Wild Young Heart

A blog of blurbs, tips, stories, cool ish and advice.

#In2010 - My Goals for the Year of 2010

It's about that time of year when people start asking about New Years resolutions.. Eh, well,, we all either make them, or don't bother.. And those of us who make them end up taking some things off the list or not really fullfilling everything.. I for one know I won't set myself up for that.. So I set goals within my means.. But this year,, I want to make an attitude change,, maybe not a complete change,, but a few tweaks would be sufficient.. Let's start ...

1. Enhance and correcting my "I don't give a fuck" attitude.

    Okay,, well,, it's not like I have a bad attitude or anything but to some people I may come across as mean because I don't seem to care about too much. In reality, I do, but I just have a heavy case of nonchalantness.. So yeah.. Towards the end of 09 I REALLY started putting my "I don't give a fuck" attitude into action. So many things were going on and the only way to bypass it and let it roll off of my back was to simply say .. "Eh, Fuck it". But I DID use that method in situations that I couldve done something better and in the upcoming year,, I plan to "correct" that.. I know that sometimes I end up hurting people feelings that way. So I'll work on that.. But I also plan on putting it into effect in more areas of my life. That'll be fun.

2. Keeping my freaking mouth closed!

   I mean this in the sense of,, "thinking before I speak". Since I have this really smart mouth, I usually just let my smart remarks roll out without thinking about the effect they may have. It's so hard to keep them in but I've been working towards that for the past month. I also mean this to say that I should just shutup when people are talking about someone aka gossiping .. Or anything else.. I'll just sit and nod.. Because when push comes to shove I WONT be in the middle of that shit.

3. Be more talkative.

   Even with me being a smart mouth,, I'm not the super talkative type. I mean,, I'm not HELLA shy like when people don't speak at all to people they don't know. I'll speak to u in a minute,, no problem... But I don't really hold much conversation. It's a habit I have to kick. I'm fairly outgoing but I need to be like.. Awesomely outgoing.. So #in2020 I'm going to crank my personality up a notch and be a little more out there.

4. Forget and forgive the bad things that happened #in2009.

Yeah, alot of SHIT when down #in2009 and it's changed a hole bunch of things. Some for better, some for worse,, but all in all.. It still contributed to the person I am today.. Which is a way better person I knew Before 2009 began. So I'm thankful for what I do have. Always. I usually look on the brightside of any situation even in the worst of them. It's my only way of remaining sane.

5. Budget Better

That's self explainitory. I'm a spender... It's also a bad habit that must GO

6. Lose Weight.

I mean... I'm not really heavy or anyhing but im not happy with my size either. Most people tell me I don't need to lose weight but there's been people that said I DO. But of course, I'm dong what I want to do and thats all that matters.. I'm an even 144lbs right now & my goal for this year is 130lbs. My goal #in2009 was 142lbs,, which I pretty much almost got down to.. I started at 152lbs :( .. So yeah.. I wanna make that happen.. beginning.. two days ago lol.

So yeah, basically that's all of the things I wanna do.. I mean, besides other things that I want but those things rely on how things play out in the near future,, so I can't be sure if they are even possible yet...

What are YOUR New Years Resolutions?

Why we can't move forward

 Lately, there has been havoc all over my little city. Well, it's always been crimes going on, yeah, but recently, crazy shit has been going down. Like, about two weeks ago, a girl was sexually assaulted on our campus. That was a little to close for comfort for me. Maybe LAST week there was a girl that was raped and beaten in a washroom at Washington University. It's like..WTF is wrong with people?? People are being robbed everyday, killed, and all KINDS of mess. The other day my friend Evan told me she seen a man laying on the sidewalk DEAD! It was freaking broad daylight and theres a man laying on the sidewalk of a busy street with a bullet in his chest. Why the HELL can't we all just get along?

   Well, as much as we want our humanity to be based on peace and love and happiness and shit, it's really based on money and power. Money gets you power... Power gets you money. I mean, simple concept right? Yeah. But with everything going on in the past 2 years, (recession) crime has been rising. People are trying to get extra money the easy way and make a living off of robbing people who are trying to do something to make their OWN damn way. I don't understand it because the more we ROB and KILL our people, the further we push our whole kind down the hole. I think that if you're gunna rob somebody you shouldn't hurt them or rape them at least, damn. I mean, if you hurt the they're probably gunna end up in someone's hospital for 2-3 weeks trying to recover, missing out on days they could have worked and made money. You already robbed them, why stunt their oppurtunity to better themselves. Ugh, I can't effing stand people.

     I tell my mom that I can't stand humans all the time lol. Then she says "Well, what are you?" and I always reply with... "I'm a ninja", lol.. It's like, we keep searching for an EASY way but in reality, there IS no easy way out. You almost always have to go through something to acheive something,, it's the way of life. If we as a united race got together and tried to HELP each other instead of fighting and killing all of the time, maybe we could get some shit done and advance ourselves. This is NOT to say that some people don't try to do this already, because a lot of us do. We try to be nice and helpful and do what we can to help our fellow bothers and sisters but too many times a person will have had bad experiences with people who take advantage of the kindness we try to deliver. You can't win for losing anymore. Our people have developed really fucked up mentalities that won't let them see past themselves.

   I REALLY wish we could wake up man...We cannot move forward if half of the population is moving backwards.  If we can't save ourselves, who will?

Video Phone Spoof

Lmao. I though this was so funny. Dude, I LOVE Lady Gaga.. She's so freaking odd and it sticks out so much and I think it's a GOOD thing. People wonder about me because I actually like the ish she does.. but SO WHAT. She's DOPE!

Jay-Z x Mr. Hudson = A Great Song && Video

This ish is AWESOME!

Ninja Assassin

Ninja Assassin was DOPE!And the main character, Raizo, played by Rain was super sexy maaan! I already have a weird fascination with ninjas so i HAD to go see it. It was worth the money and I'd go pay to see it again. For now, all I can do is dream about Raizo lol.

Oh Lord... If I wasn't at work, I would've screamed when I saw this. Whew!!

Where has Charles Hamilton been?

My favorite Charles Hamilton song was "November 10th". It was an awesome song besides many others. But I haven't heard from him in awhile.. until now.. It's ALRIGHT. Look dowwwn below.


-Charles Hamilton-

Kid Cudi x MGMTx Ratatat

I love this song.... That is all that needs to be said...

"Pursuit Of Happiness"
-Kid Cudi Ft MGMT & Ratatat-


By now, everybody should know this dude. His music is fantastical and fresh. If you STILL don't know him and his music by now, shame on YOU! But, I GUESS I can forgive you if you go HERE and educate yourself lol.

Kanye Getting all of the LOVE

I wanna congratulate my man Kanye!!! He recently made Entertainment Weekly's top ten albums of the decade list. And guess what?? He came in at number ONE with his album, "The College Dropout". He ALSO had the honor to accept a much bigger honor from Rolling Stone. He's part of the Rolling Stone's artists of the decade. That's whats up. He deserves that though, he's a wonderful artist. Full of creativity and G.O.O.D Music ;) .. speaking of that... wait for the next blog post..

Wowza, Wowza, Wowwwwza!

My boo Rihanna is at it again. Check out her pictures for the most recent GQ magazine! Jeez! This  Rihanna rain just won't let up!!


So the "Hard" video by Rihanna featuring Young Jeezy premieres on Thursday. You have NO idea how hype i got after seeing this preview! I seen a BUNCH of pictures before but this did it for me. Take a gander..


-Sneak Peek-

Rihanna on Saturday Night Live!

Yay! She was on last night.. Watch her do a skit, perform her hit single "Russian Roulette" and "Hard, Ft. Young Jeezy" =) *I'm all smiles* !! lol

Here's the Digital Short =)

Here's the Russian Roulette Performance

And last but not least, The "Hard" Performance. The end is so cute!

What the.... is going onnnn

Hey luvvies. I shan't go into the gory details but I am ONE CONFUSED CHICK right now. SO much has went down in the past 12 hours or so.. I can barely comprehend. My mind is moving so fast and I can't handle it.  As I type this, the words are blurry to me. No, I don't wear glasses either. I have 20/20 vision, thank you ! =) but yesterday, i did some research to figure out why the HECK this happens all of the time. It usually begins with me having a slight headache then feeling lightheaded.. after that, I have the HARDEST time focusing and seeing straight. It's been going on for maybe 2 1/2 months now.

Sooo yah, i researched a little. I'm a fairly healthy female but what i found out is that I'm probably not getting enough iron. Not having enough of it causes these symptoms that I have, which are the symptoms for Iron Deficiency Anemia. Also, as I stated in an earlier post, I drink ALOT of tea. I'm craving some right now!! Drinks such as tea and coffee decrease the body ability to absorb iron from our foods and I believe the right there is my problem. It makes sense and all the pieces of my problem fit together perfectly. I also see that that whole light headed blurred vision thing happens when i'm mad, or sad or something.

Eh, hopefully i get over it one day because it's annoying that it happens randomly, like in class or something... Blah. i wanna learn Tai chi... yeah, that was random.. but im doing Yoga tonight.. Ttyl  tweeps!

And so it begins....

Ok, so I'm beginning my official Weight loss challenge today. The weight loss plan of course. I try to watch what I eat anyways and have cut many things from my diet, but now it's seriously going into effect.

So, I actively do the tea diet but not really heavy yet. I drink tea all day to supress most cravings which works pretty well for the most part. So now,, I will be incorporating my calorie limit..  I got a personalized guide to how many calories I should be taking in to promote weight loss.. What u currently eat is somewhere inbetween the "Fat Loss" column and the "Extreme Fat Loss" column. So yeah, I've decided to go by the extreme results.. You can go make your personalized calorie intake schedule HERE.

So basically, this calculator gives you different intake amounts each day to "trick" your body. Because I know that your body notices when you aren't taking in many calories anymore and it goes into survival mode and actually holds on tighter to the fat that you currently have. So this method tricks your body out of that. It's a really good system..

I keep a journal of what I eat and though i don't write in it EVERYDAY, I do it enough. As long as you can record a few days in a row you should be okay. You want to look at your eating patterns and evaluate As to why you ate everything you did. So when you record meals, snacks, && whatnots, make sure you ALSO record how you FEEL at the time, the time of day, if you were hungry, if you were bored, etc.. It helps and you'll see when you tend to start eating. Don't flow any calorie restrictions for year first few days that you record your eating habits, just go with the flow. Days later youshoukd start planning your meals ahead of time and start counting calories and anticipating excercise.

I know that I often eat out of boredom (horrible, I know). So today I'm going to do two workouts,, you know,, tart it out pretty easy. I did an hour of pilates this morning which is AWESOME and will be doing a 30 minute session if Hip Hop abs later today. My meal plaN for the day includes tea and water as the only acceptable drinks. I can drink as much As possible of that good stuff. As far as food goes, I'm going to the mall so I'm probably going to eat there. Now, I usually buy some Panda Express bit recently I've discovered Habachi-San. I prefer Chinese food over Japanese food but Japanese food is waaayy healthier than Chinese food. Hibachi- Sans food isn't breaded or drowned in very heavy sauces.. So my plan is to get a shrimp plate with steamed rice.. (I like steamed over fried most of the time).. It also cones with steamed veggies.. It's so good and not a heavy dish at all.. && its yummilicious too!

I usually weigh 144lbs but this holiday weekend made me out to be 146lbs lol. So... Yeah,, my current goal is to reach 130lbs.

So I figure I can wing it all day with tea & water until about 3pm and then eat. Then tea & water until I workout again,, around 6 or 7,, && another thing Im going to do is go to sleep early.. Staying up late at night also makes you want to eat like a maniac. So yeah.. Let's see how this goes.. I shall report back on this my little HEARTS !! :)

Happy BirthDay Jay-Z!!!

My guy Shawn is 40 years old!!!!!! 
You go Boy!

h.NAOTO x Hello Kitty Goth

Dude.. I LOVE this stuff! i personally think Hello Kitty is a beast anyways so yeah.. This stuff is super cute and it's not very expensive. Daizyoobu desu nee!! .(That's good right?!)

Check out all of the items HERE

Cute Kitty

This is a super cute Coin Bank.. I want one... I'm totally gunna order this

O Snap, Va$htie!

So, I've been reading Va$htie's blog for about 7 months && I LOVE her. I think I've blogged about her before.  Well, now she has finally finished and has a full site including the blog. it's Dope, Go check it out HERE .


This is going to be quick, but i just want to let you all know that you should at LEAST, one time in your life, go out of the country. Of course, I haven't been out of this place yet but I plan to VERY soon. ;) .. It'd just be an awesome experience, no matter where you go. Like, we KNOW there are places outside of our little towns but until we go explore them, we have NO idea what's out there. Any out of country experience can't be anything below amazing. So, I encourage everybody TODAY to look into some ways to get up and OUT. Even if for a few days, give yourself that opportunity. If you're in school and they have a study abroad program you should really look into it that way. That way you have a chance of having some of it paid for and/or you'll probably be able to go with other people at your school. If you aren't in school, you can look into jobs in other countries. There's work all the way from teaching children english to working in the rainforests of Costa Rica. Just do a little research and see what you find. With all of these WONDERFUL resources, there's NO excuse as to why you shouldn't try.

Good Luck !

Carpe Diem

So, I’m having a moment lol. It’s just that for the past 3 months I’ve been THROUGH it. And although I’ve been through it PLENTY of times before, this time took the cake. I won’t get specific and reveal details but I will let you know that it was/is not pretty. Several things have been occurring all at the same time and it breaks me down piece by piece every day. Lately though, I’ve been learning to take it all in and blow it back out. Looking at it and not worrying about things takes a GREAT burden off of my MIND. I’ve also learned to live as if I won’t see tomorrow. Carpe Diem is my favorite phrase. "Seize the Day".  We all know that tomorrow is never promised so don’t spend what could be your last day worrying and dwelling on problems… Or PEOPLE for that matter.

…Yeah, I said people. People can determine your whole mood. One person can play on your mind for as long as they like as long as you allow their words or actions to faze you. Some people call these folks HATERS, but I don’t. Some call them confused fans, but I don’t. I like to refer to these people as admirers. NO ONE dwells on a person *that does nothing to them* for so long just because they don’t like them. They’re not “hating” on your style, personality, life, whatever may be the case, they LIKE it. But, because they don’t have nor can attain some of your attributes, such as life or personality, they will down talk what you have to try to make you feel bad about it. Now, this is not really happening to me exactly at the moment, nor would I care if it did, but I thought I’d speak on it. Actually, I wouldn’t even think about it because I KNOW that I have bigger things to worry about. Hell, I’m 29 years old out in these streets lol.

But yeah, anyways…I just want my beautiful people to not let anything get in their way of doing anything and let nothing hold you back from achieving your full potential. Rocks may be thrown but you have to learn to dodge and ignore them. Averting attention to the negative lets the positive slip away. So God speed you!

Seize the day, or time regretting the time you lost... -Avenged Sevenfold said that in a song once. :) 

S.Jones.. He Produces

I notice that in our day and age, a lot of talent is showing up more rapidly than ever before. Singers, rappers, AND producers. What if all the talented people hooked up with the RIGHT talented people? Amazing things could happen.

People are getting tired of the SAME old music and it's obvious. When kids start making nonsense songs jumping around in jeans that are 2 sizes too small, something HAS to be up. Although good music is quickly declining, it is slowly increasing. Think along the lines of Lupe and Jay-Z. Still making good music. And then we have the newer artists like Kid Cudi, Wale, J.Cole, Big Sean.. all of them doing big things and giving the world something new.

Now, usually, i know when you walk down the street, SOMEBODY tries to get you to buy or gives you their mixtape. Annoying right? But all they want is some exposure and we can't blame them for that. Although i won't say everybody is good, because there are about 200000,00000000 people trying to rap/sing/produce, but there is some really good, unique talent out there. One person i wanted to point out in particular is a guy that goes by the name of S.Jones.

S. Jones (@sjonesiproduce on Twitter) makes beats and i MUST compliment him about them. They're different, in a good way. He will TELL anyone looking for a beat that if they don't have an open mind, don't even consider his work. The man goes hard out here. I don't even listen to beats usually, but you can't deny greatness. So i advise you all to check out his myspace and if you have time, tell me what you think.

-Toodles :)

KiannaLuv21's Weight Loss Challenge

I've been following a girl on Youtube by the name of Kianna.(Her old picture is above) What amazes me about her is that, over the span of 3-4 months, she has SHEDED 40lbs. (See her NEW picture below) You may think, "Oh, She took diet pills", or something of that sort, but that's definitely NOT the case. Kiannaluv21 's youtube page consists of countless hair weaving and weight loss videos. I began watching her back in February, right after she began her weight loss journey in January.

A little Background:

In January, Kianna began a detox cleanse called "The Master Cleanse". The master cleanse is usually referred to as the 'Lemonade Diet' and from personal experience, is NOT easy. It requires you to drink an odd mixture of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup daily and typically lasts anywhere from 5 to 40 days. Kianna only completed 10 days but I couldn't get past day 2. :( .

New Game Plan:

Fast forward a little to June 2009 and Kianna has found a better way of eliminating her excess fat. It's not really rocket science to figure out that smaller portions of food and exercise contributes to weight loss, but you must have a very focused mind to commit to that theory. Cravings occur but if youp have the required willpower to overcome them, this will work for you. She does give a multitude of tops and advice on her blog and she just created a website to help her viewers. It's not quite finished yet but it's based off of a weight loss challenge she poses to us. The site already has a forum about 'Thinspiration' and is full of pictures of ideal sized bodies to keep us motivated.

I think this is an excellent idea and will help so many of so many people overcome their weight loss struggles. Back when Kianna began this, she was 170lbs and by the end of August she was an even 130lbs. I got so much motivation out of just SEEING this transformation happen before my own eyes that i've decided to go ahead and try this out. As of TODAY, I will begin watching what I eat more and starting a regular exercise routine. I usually watch what I eat anyway but i've been WAY to lenient lately.

I currently weigh in at 143lbs will a ultimate goal weight of 130lbs. Last December I weighed 152lbs and lost that weight by cutting calories alone. So now, I have to step it up. I HIGHLY encourage anyone looking to lose weight to join this challenege with me :).. Check out Kiannaluv21 's new site HERE .


Hello!! Welcome to the "Wild Young Heart" blog, Located on the "Wild Young Soul" website! I want to take a moment to tell you all the main purpose of this site.

1.) To be a general blog. I want to share my experiences with people and I want theirs to be shared with me. We all learn form our mistakes and have ups and downs so why not be in it together?

2.) Support. I am going to start a weight loss challenge that I will talk about later. I would LOVE for some other people to do it along with me so we can exchange results and just be there for each other.

3.) Idea sharing. Sharing tips and ideas is also what this site is aiming at. Whenever i stumble upon something cool I always want to tell someone. Plus, sharing your ideas with others is a really great idea. You NEVER know what 10x more fantastical idea you may spark.

So by now I'm sure you've realized that this is mainly a place for creativity and inspiration. So if that sounds like something you wouldn't mind getting into, follow it!

Sad Face

So, I was doing my 365 Photo Project thingy and taking pics & they were building up. I was gonna put them up in bulk. But, The fateful friday before last I decided to attend a stepshow at our school. I Still had my messenger bag, which I really wanted to drop off at the apt first but i knew i'd miss alot so i went straight there after work. When it was wayyy over, i realized that I lost it :( . I rarely lose big items like that and i was sad because I had just recently dropped about $200.00 on my touchscreen, wide screened beauty. I guess thats the end of my photo project.

Ugh, It has yet to turn up to the lost and found and i KNOW it won't wither, but I check anyways.. If anyone see's my baby, tell her i miss her. She was my favorite camera I've ever had. I'm over it now, no use crying over spilled milk, ya know.

Rihanna Moment

Rihanna is the effing BEST. That will be all. Go on with your day :)

365 Project - Photo #2

Here's my photo for 09/21/09 . It's from earlier in the morning. I Usually don't eat breakfast but i was hungry lol. I was totally unsure if i should have ate it or not; which this photo may suggest, but I ate it anyways... That's all we had to eat quickly

365 Project - Photo #1

Well, this is my first picture for the 365 Project. This was today 9-20-09 and I think it reflects my feelings well. I just randomly did it too. No prepping. I'm happy about my new piercing and I like it alot. The fact that I went to go get it by myself makes me prouder about it also. When I was on my way to go get it, I didn't know exactly what I wanted but this was definitely an option. I'm not exactly the happiest person on earth right now.. I've got major issues and i think this pic suggests just that. No fake smiles here. But I'm also not the saddest person around.. I'm thankful for life in itself,, so no frowns either!

365 Photo Project

I've decided to take the 365 Day Photo Project . Why? Well, after reading about what it is and what it's about, it kinda touched me. Like, I've been going through so much that it's unimaginable but you have to keep a steady head through it all. As much as I try not to let it show, sometimes you just know theres a telltale sign in your face, your body language, etc. So my goal is to capture this everyday. Whether i'm sad, happy, angry, or surprised.. I think it'll be a good to do some self discovering. So, i'll be posting the pictures here with comments as i go along. You all should try this out too! I really believe it'll tell you a few things about yourself.

~Lady K~

You're Totally Going To Hell...

I've had a similar post but something triggered me to write about it again. Thought : Church is a place where people gather to celebrate a common interest (God) right? To CELEBRATE and FURTHER their knowledge TOGETHER. Last I thought, You didn't have to go to church every Sunday to be considered a real christian. You can be a person who reads the bible everyday and worshops God from the privacy from your own home and be just as "Holy" and "Pure" as the church going folks claim to be. Im NOT implying that every one in church is a Hypocrite or anything.. no no no. I'm just saying. There are people that dont go to church at all and JUST because they are baptized, they feel like they have a right to bash another person for not attending church. Certain people do it. You dont go to church for a few sundays and then all of a sudden they'll tell you that you're going to burn in the firey pits of hell. Uhm.. Excuse me? God wouldn't like that, now would he.. Chill out and mind your own business is all i'm saying. Improve yourself before going in on anyone else. I SEE this happening ALL THE TIME between people and it frustrates me. Tis all.

You Better Blink!

These cool new glasses were made to help you remember to blink. I know you're like "Who forgets to blink?!?!" but often, when we sit in front of computer for awhile, we forget about the blink factor. So, to help you remember to moisten your eyes by blinking, these glasses fog up every five seconds to remind u to blink. It could become annoying but some people actually need things like this.

@Big_Sean Getcha Some

Big Sean Finally came out with his first video. The song is called "Getcha Some" and it's from his "Finally Famous" mixtape. I got introduced to his music some time ago and I've been enjoying it since. Kanye knows how to pick'em booyy!!! BTW. Go follow Big Sean on Twitter HERE Check out the video & tell me what you think

Sometimes I Get Ideas..

Soooo. My name used to be i Sparkle on facebook and it caught on and i couldnt get people to stop calling me that until i changed it to Lady KiraKira. Now that won't stop lol. But. I like i Sparkle sooo. If i had a clothing line.. i'd call it that.. && if you wondered what it would ever look like.. it'd be something like this. I made this last night out of boredom. I was at school && the idea hit me in the face. I ran to the school bookstore and bought supplies and got to it after I got off of work. What do you think?

So Mean, Yet so Funny

Just wanted to Remind You...

...That I LOVE www.Lookbook.nu .. I have loved it for almost a year and it keeps getting better :)

GO LOOK ~~~~click on the Gateway To Love Link~~~~~LOOK!!

All My Single Ladies

Okay. Now THIS is Funny in the wierdest way.. lmao. O man.


LOL! I'm still laughing at This... Okay.. you know that Facebook Recently allowed us Facebookers to have personal URL's..

So This guy took his FRIENDS whole name and made it his URL and you know tha guy wanted to use his own name. So in this pic, his friend is cursing him out on his wall and it's so funny because this is like... The ULTIMATE WIN. Lol..I laughed for days after seeing this pic!

We Are Not Losers, We Are Lasers

I like this idea. We are Not Losers, we are Lasers. Thats from Lupe Fiascos upcoming 3rd album, due in December 2009. HIs first single from it is hitting iTunes 07/07 (which is actually right now lol) and I am super excited because I've refrained from listening to it. It's called Shining Down and it features none other than Matthew Santos. Woot Woot! I love Lupe!

By the way follow my on Twitter by clicking HERE :) Tee Hee.

But yeah, I just listened to it and I Definitely like it. Go take a listen HERE. And then slide over to the website and watch this video.

Why I Stopped Eating Meat

During the 41 days I ceased to consume meat (excluding fish) (05/26-07/05), people have continously asked me why did I do it in the first place. Well, to answer that question, this year for Lent i decided to cut down on my portions of meat. For those 40 days and nights I only ate meat twice a week. I wasnt really satisfied with this but it was so hard to just quit. So between March and May I had ran across some videos on Youtube about animal cruelty and it broke my little heart. Those animals were forced to be in cages not big enough to allow them room to move for most of their lives and were treated so badly. This actually inspired me to not be a chicken ( no pun intended ) and go through with not eating meat for awhile.

So after Memorial day, after I had my last barbequed hotdog, I quit. I thought maybe I'd quit after a week but to my surprise I had no real cravings for meat. I was so happy!!! Of course, there were times where'd I'd go out and the resturant would have little to no vegetarian options and if they did, they weren't really appealing and I'd get really frustrated and think about quitting right there but i pulled through. After weeks of picking meat out of spaghetti and off of group ordered pizza, I was finally ready to end it. I ate my first bite of meat today on a pizza. It was pepperoni and sausage and to be TOTALLY HONEST with you, the sausage was gross. It didn't have an odd flavor or anything but maybe because I hadn't eaten it in so long. I don't plan to eat THAT again but I DO plan on ceaseing to eat meat for extended periods more often. I think it'll help aid me in making some better choices.

My weakness is chicken :( ...but I can definitly do without the rest of the stuff. My initial goal was to make up for Lent and I did exactly this. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not against meat itself but I am against the way they are treated. Animals are slaughtered for human satisfaction and if that's the case, I think it's only fair that they get treated properly. These animals suffer so much before they get to us and its sad.
This being said, if an animal was given proper care and was raised in an ETHICAL manner, I would have NO problem eating it. This means that:
  • They havent been given antibiotics
  • Havent had any additional hormones
  • No drugs were used
  • They are free-range (meaning they had space to move and walk outside)
  • and free of excessive or any synthetic pesticides.
So beginning soon, I'll probably start purchasing meat from organic food stores to ensure that the animals were not raised on a traditional farm, if I eat meat at all. Because everytime I eat meat I get sooo disgusted at how I KNOW that animal had been treated badly. I can't support that anymore. So.. thats your answer. :)

*_*_* Peaceness,

Remember This?

I STILL watch the video Va$htie directed a few years ago. A video for the song "Us Placers", off of a mixtape! Not even an official video and you would've never known! SO amazing that even these little kids look eactly like who they are supposed to be now. C'mon, you can't tell me that little boy doesn't look like a young Lupe. Dope. I also love Va$htie. So Watch it HERE. Get into it!!


The Killers Rock Man :)

So not too long ago, The Killers released they're video to "A Dustland Fairytale". I love this song but my favorite is "Spaceman". The Day & Age album is awesome and you KNOW this if you've heard the single, "Human". I know its not a super new album or anything but definitely worth mentioning. The singer guy has the best voice ever! Seriously, if you haven't listened.DO IT NOW. You Shan't be disappointed!
