Wild Young Heart

A blog of blurbs, tips, stories, cool ish and advice.

You're Totally Going To Hell...

I've had a similar post but something triggered me to write about it again. Thought : Church is a place where people gather to celebrate a common interest (God) right? To CELEBRATE and FURTHER their knowledge TOGETHER. Last I thought, You didn't have to go to church every Sunday to be considered a real christian. You can be a person who reads the bible everyday and worshops God from the privacy from your own home and be just as "Holy" and "Pure" as the church going folks claim to be. Im NOT implying that every one in church is a Hypocrite or anything.. no no no. I'm just saying. There are people that dont go to church at all and JUST because they are baptized, they feel like they have a right to bash another person for not attending church. Certain people do it. You dont go to church for a few sundays and then all of a sudden they'll tell you that you're going to burn in the firey pits of hell. Uhm.. Excuse me? God wouldn't like that, now would he.. Chill out and mind your own business is all i'm saying. Improve yourself before going in on anyone else. I SEE this happening ALL THE TIME between people and it frustrates me. Tis all.


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