Wild Young Heart

A blog of blurbs, tips, stories, cool ish and advice.

Why we can't move forward

 Lately, there has been havoc all over my little city. Well, it's always been crimes going on, yeah, but recently, crazy shit has been going down. Like, about two weeks ago, a girl was sexually assaulted on our campus. That was a little to close for comfort for me. Maybe LAST week there was a girl that was raped and beaten in a washroom at Washington University. It's like..WTF is wrong with people?? People are being robbed everyday, killed, and all KINDS of mess. The other day my friend Evan told me she seen a man laying on the sidewalk DEAD! It was freaking broad daylight and theres a man laying on the sidewalk of a busy street with a bullet in his chest. Why the HELL can't we all just get along?

   Well, as much as we want our humanity to be based on peace and love and happiness and shit, it's really based on money and power. Money gets you power... Power gets you money. I mean, simple concept right? Yeah. But with everything going on in the past 2 years, (recession) crime has been rising. People are trying to get extra money the easy way and make a living off of robbing people who are trying to do something to make their OWN damn way. I don't understand it because the more we ROB and KILL our people, the further we push our whole kind down the hole. I think that if you're gunna rob somebody you shouldn't hurt them or rape them at least, damn. I mean, if you hurt the they're probably gunna end up in someone's hospital for 2-3 weeks trying to recover, missing out on days they could have worked and made money. You already robbed them, why stunt their oppurtunity to better themselves. Ugh, I can't effing stand people.

     I tell my mom that I can't stand humans all the time lol. Then she says "Well, what are you?" and I always reply with... "I'm a ninja", lol.. It's like, we keep searching for an EASY way but in reality, there IS no easy way out. You almost always have to go through something to acheive something,, it's the way of life. If we as a united race got together and tried to HELP each other instead of fighting and killing all of the time, maybe we could get some shit done and advance ourselves. This is NOT to say that some people don't try to do this already, because a lot of us do. We try to be nice and helpful and do what we can to help our fellow bothers and sisters but too many times a person will have had bad experiences with people who take advantage of the kindness we try to deliver. You can't win for losing anymore. Our people have developed really fucked up mentalities that won't let them see past themselves.

   I REALLY wish we could wake up man...We cannot move forward if half of the population is moving backwards.  If we can't save ourselves, who will?


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