Wild Young Heart

A blog of blurbs, tips, stories, cool ish and advice.

And so it begins....

Ok, so I'm beginning my official Weight loss challenge today. The weight loss plan of course. I try to watch what I eat anyways and have cut many things from my diet, but now it's seriously going into effect.

So, I actively do the tea diet but not really heavy yet. I drink tea all day to supress most cravings which works pretty well for the most part. So now,, I will be incorporating my calorie limit..  I got a personalized guide to how many calories I should be taking in to promote weight loss.. What u currently eat is somewhere inbetween the "Fat Loss" column and the "Extreme Fat Loss" column. So yeah, I've decided to go by the extreme results.. You can go make your personalized calorie intake schedule HERE.

So basically, this calculator gives you different intake amounts each day to "trick" your body. Because I know that your body notices when you aren't taking in many calories anymore and it goes into survival mode and actually holds on tighter to the fat that you currently have. So this method tricks your body out of that. It's a really good system..

I keep a journal of what I eat and though i don't write in it EVERYDAY, I do it enough. As long as you can record a few days in a row you should be okay. You want to look at your eating patterns and evaluate As to why you ate everything you did. So when you record meals, snacks, && whatnots, make sure you ALSO record how you FEEL at the time, the time of day, if you were hungry, if you were bored, etc.. It helps and you'll see when you tend to start eating. Don't flow any calorie restrictions for year first few days that you record your eating habits, just go with the flow. Days later youshoukd start planning your meals ahead of time and start counting calories and anticipating excercise.

I know that I often eat out of boredom (horrible, I know). So today I'm going to do two workouts,, you know,, tart it out pretty easy. I did an hour of pilates this morning which is AWESOME and will be doing a 30 minute session if Hip Hop abs later today. My meal plaN for the day includes tea and water as the only acceptable drinks. I can drink as much As possible of that good stuff. As far as food goes, I'm going to the mall so I'm probably going to eat there. Now, I usually buy some Panda Express bit recently I've discovered Habachi-San. I prefer Chinese food over Japanese food but Japanese food is waaayy healthier than Chinese food. Hibachi- Sans food isn't breaded or drowned in very heavy sauces.. So my plan is to get a shrimp plate with steamed rice.. (I like steamed over fried most of the time).. It also cones with steamed veggies.. It's so good and not a heavy dish at all.. && its yummilicious too!

I usually weigh 144lbs but this holiday weekend made me out to be 146lbs lol. So... Yeah,, my current goal is to reach 130lbs.

So I figure I can wing it all day with tea & water until about 3pm and then eat. Then tea & water until I workout again,, around 6 or 7,, && another thing Im going to do is go to sleep early.. Staying up late at night also makes you want to eat like a maniac. So yeah.. Let's see how this goes.. I shall report back on this my little HEARTS !! :)


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