Wild Young Heart

A blog of blurbs, tips, stories, cool ish and advice.


         Soooo two nights ago me and evan go these awesooomme tongue piercings. I've always wanted one but you know, i was scared lol. I have 6 tattoos a belly button, helix, AND industrial piercing,, and i'm scared... I know, silly right? Actually, this was one of the easy ones. The industrial was the worst. But lemme tell you, there was minimal planning in this trip to get this piercing. 

        Wednesday evening I was sitting at my desk at work, bored, and i started tweeting about how I wanted to get a tattoo soon and THEN i was like, OR I could get a piercing. So I started asking for ideas and tongue was one of them. So I continued to ask all of my followers who had one and alot of people responded and said they LOVED their piercings so I'm like, "ehhhh". I wanted to do it but the idea KIND of freaked me out. So I started talking to @Tripl3a about it and of course, he was encouraging lol. So I said, IF and ONLY IF @Madame_Harris gives me a ride to the place and takes me home, will I get one. No one believed me, but i meant it. So I called Evan within the next hour and a half and she answered and said yes and im like.. "Fuhhhhhhhk". 

   So what I did was this ,, muahahahaha... we pulled up on the Commerce Bank lot and I told her I needed to go to the ATM machine so she comes along and I ponder on how much to withdraw and she made some comment about it and I'm like, "you know, you should get one too." She was like, "If i had the money and if it didn't cost $50.00, I would". i ask her if she is sure and she says yeah.. So me being myself, I tell her that I'll PAY for it now but shse has to pay me back ONLY $20.00 of the $50.00 BUT she has to go first. She thinks about that for 3 minutes and finally accepts (I knew it'd work). So we go to Enigma but they closed early for some really odd reason && she puts this smile on her face like "Ha, Bitch!"... So i continue to walk down the street and tell her not to worry, there was another shop.. Lol.. the look on her face was like >> :-O

  We get to iron age and I tell her to go look through the piercing book and a few papers and card swipes later, she was in the piercing chair. It was awesome. I have a whole video of her getting it done. Here's a screen shot from the video.

She hyperventilated at the end. I laughed, because she always overreacts..I remember when we first got tattoos she made me go first! I was freaked OUT! But anyways, my turn came and i was still a bit nervous. i had did all my research in 2 hours and now, the moment of TROOF! <<< (Yeah, i said "Troof") . So after vigorously swishing mouthwash around in my mouth, i spit it out and cherished the last moment of knowing what an undisturbed, untainted, unPIERCED tongue felt like. After drying it off and marking the spot, he puts the clamps on and just like everyone told me, that was the worst part. So he places the needle and its amazing because i didn't feel a THING until the needle pierced through the bottom of my tongue (very icky feeling) and it was over. Easier than I thought it would be. I was scared to open my mouth lol. I'm sensitive about such areas such as the bottom of my tongue, wrists, and elbows lol. Don't ask. So I looked and although it burned a bit. I was impressed. Look!

 I like it,, But my tongue is SUPER swollen.. I HATE this part. Like, eating seems impossible, drinking is 5x harder and trying to speak makes me feel like a 3 year old. The swelling is rumored to go away within the first 3-5 days but the first day I could NOT bare to eat!. I drank 1 juice and 1/2 a bottle of soup. Later on, I found that if I tilt my head and make really big slow bites, that I could eat noodles lol. Evan got home within a hour of getting her's done and ate a steak! But today I took my usual dose of Advil and the swelling did NOT stop this time. I'm at work right now answering phones lol... It's pure comedy.  I think it'll be worth it though, we'll see, we'll see.


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